What is a modular home?
The future is modular
A modular home uses a component approach to building a house. Basically, all structures needed are built inside a home-building factory. In the next phase, when the modules (components) are ready, the transportation takes place by using adapted trucks. Finally, the assembly is done by highly-qualified personal onto the already poured foundation.
Featured Homes
Home Delivery
We can deliver in every season and to nearly any location.
Site Preparation / Foundation
We come and scrape off the pad and set your home up even in frigid temperatures. We offer concrete, wood crib, screw jack and/or screw pile foundations.
Setup / Installation
Blackstone Homes can provide a turn key home. We can take care of all the site prep as well as the trade connections.
Need a new home?
Consider Blackstone Homes
Our mission is to provide quality and affordable housing options to all Northern communities. We believe that by delivering the best quality to our customers, we contribute to your happiness by knowing you have purchased a reliable, energy-efficient, quality-built home.

2033 1st Avenue
Prince George, BC
V2L 2Z1
Office Hours
Tuesday – Saturday
8AM – 4:30PM